The Operations Room at Derby House in Liverpool, the headquarters of the Commander-in-Chief Western Approaches, September 1944

For those of you who plan to join us in-person today: Join Zoom Meeting — or click here for call in info. Please note that, when you log in, you’ll be placed in a “Waiting Room” until I manually clear each of you for entry. Why? Because, apparently, some losers are “zoombombing.” Please make sure your Zoom user ID is recognizable, so I’ll know who you are — and if I accidentally block you, please send me an email asap to let me know you’re seeking entry!

Feel free to add resources and recommendations (for the group, for individual classmates, etc.) on our Shared Resource Repository!

To prepare for today:

  • Please upload/post your project to your folder in our secure, shared Final Projects drive by today at noon (a not-quite-finished, still-a-bit-rusty draft is fine!; final projects aren’t due until Thursday!). If you don’t have a file to upload — if, say, your project resides on a website — please post a link on the document within your folder.
  • Before class, please visit the “Comments for [Your Name]” file in your folder, and customize the top paragraph; tell your colleagues what kinds of feedback you’d find particularly valuable.
  • Now, it’s time to engage with your classmates’ work — either asynchronously, on your own time; or synchronously, in class on May 5:
    • If you’d rather respond on your own time, please try to engage with at least ten of your classmates’ projects between May 5 and May 7. You needn’t read them word-for-word or pore over their every detail, but we do hope you’ll spend at least 10 minutes with each person’s work and offer a couple sentences of feedback on the Comments doc in their folder.
    • If you plan to attend class, we hope you can find a little time to skim through your classmates’ projects before we meet. During class, then, we’ll split up into small groups, briefly share our projects, then discuss our work in relation to some of our big class themes. Every 20 minutes or so, we’ll then move to new groups, with new interlocutors — and at the end of class, we’ll regroup and discuss our key takeaways for the semester. No need to prepare a formal presentation!

If you’ve finished your work today, May 5, and you’d like to submit, that’s great; please let me know it’s ready for review. Yet you’re also welcome to continue polishing for a couple more days. Your final-final projects are due by the end of the day on Thursday, May 7.

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