Whitney, Clara, Dalia, Elif, Catherine, and Joseph
Join Zoom Meeting (click the link for online access) — or call in via one-tap mobile: +16465588656,,971588561# (US) or via International Numbers | Meeting ID: 971 588 561
Please note that, when you log in, you’ll be placed in a “Waiting Room” until I manually clear each of you for entry. Why? Because, apparently, some losers are “zoombombing.” Please make sure your Zoom user ID is recognizable, so I’ll know who you are — and if I accidentally block you, please send me an email asap to let me know you’re seeking entry!
Feel free to add resources and recommendations (for the group, for individual classmates, etc.) on our Shared Resource Repository!
Please complete this short (five-minute?) survey about how you’d like to use our final two classes.
Now, Whitney, Clara, Dalia, Elif, Catherine, and Joseph ask that you please review the following before class:
- Miriam Ticktin, “Invasive Others: Towards a Contaminated World,” Social Research 84:1 (Spring 2017): xxi – xxxiv.
- Ryan Gallagher, “Inside Menwith Hill: The NSA’s British Base at the Heart of U.S. Targeted Killing,” The Intercept (September 6, 2016).
- Allison E. Aiello, Audrey Renson, and Paul N. Zivich, “Social Media- and Internet-Based Disease Surveillance for Public Health,” Annual Review of Public Health (2020): 23.1 – 23.18.
- Taina Bucher, “Neither Black Nor Box: (Un)knowing Algorithms,” in If… Then: Algorithmic Power and Politics (Oxford University Press, 2018): 41 – 65 [you might recall that this is one of the texts we would have read for our Methodology lesson on 3/24; username/password reminder here].
- Richard C. Atkinson and Saul Geiser, “Reflections on a Century of College Admissions Tests,” Center for Studies in Higher Education: Research & Occasional Paper Series: CSHE.4.09 (2009): 21 pp.
- Anemona Hartocollis, “SAT ‘Adversity Score’ Is Abandoned in Wake of Criticism,” New York Times (August 27, 2019).
- Jasmine McNealy, “An Ecological Approach to Data Governance,” Data & Society Institute (January 8, 2020) {video or podcast: 56 minutes} — OR — Katayoun Baghai, “Privacy as a Human Right,” Sociology 46:5 (2012): 951 – 965.