Hong Kong Protests, via Provoke Media

This week, we’ll meet on Zoom during our regularly scheduled class time, from 6 to 7:50pm:

Join Zoom Meeting (click the link for online access) — or call in via one-tap mobile: +16465588656,,971588561# US or International Numbers  |  Meeting ID: 971 588 561

Please note that, when you log in, you’ll be placed in a “Waiting Room” until I manually clear each of you for entry. Why? Because, apparently, some losers are “zoombombing.”

How might individuals or communities — or entire societies — resist surveillance, data capture, planned obsolescence, compulsory connectivity and productivity and other impositions of “surveillance capitalism”? At what scale, or what level of the “network stack,” might they meaningfully intervene? How might their subjectivities inform the politics — and particularly the risks — or their resistant action? What verbs are used to describe these actions — avoidance, non-use, resistance, refusal, “dark sousveillance” (Simone Browne), obfuscation, etc. — and what are their implied politics?

6:00 – 6:10    Establishing Our Zoom Code of Conduct
6:10 – 6:30     Lab: Emily will walk us through Supply Chain and Product Investigations (one of the methods we would have explored last week), along with other cartographic and mediated strategies for resistance. Slides here.
6:30 – 6:50    Artifact Analysis Presentations: Catherine, Orshi, Whit
7:00 – 7:40    Discussion of the Week’s Theme and Readings
7:40 – 7:50    Resistance in the Age of Corona (optional; if you’ve had enough Corona talk, you’re welcome to duck out early)

To be reviewed for today’s class: